Why KCJ is Best Choice?
Every mother-to-be is motivated for a normal and natural delivery.
Our Good Antenatal care & intranatal support helps more then 80% of them to deliver naturally without adopting any painless procedure. Less than 20% patients opt for a painless way of normal delivery.
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Years of Experience helps giving trials for a normal delivery
of Mothers Go Home With Their Healthy Babies
of our Pregnant Patients Deliver Vaginally

About Dr. Manisha Jhawar
Dr. Manisha Jhawar, a qualified Obstetrician & Gynecologist and a Fetal Medicine Specialist is an expert clinician recognized for providing quick solution to health problems. She is an empathetic listener, attentive observer, connects well with the patients to make a provisional diagnosis.
Pin point investigations are ordered to confirm the diagnosis. Early diagnosis streamlines the treatment and allays the worries & apprehensions of patients and relatives who are puzzled by surfing internet for reasons and answers.
Her enormous clinical experience is a boon for the fetuses growing in the womb, health oblivious teenyboppers, apprehensive newlyweds, parents to be, middle age ladies and menopausal grandmas.
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